Chapter 4 Common StorNext Tasks
Entering the StorNext License
StorNext User’s Guide 44
3 Read the license agreement and then click Accept. The Enter License
Strings screen appears. This screen summarizes the information you
must send to licenses@Quantum.com
in order to receive the license
string you enter on this screen.
Figure 22 Enter License
Strings Screen
4 If you want to proceed using a temporary license for SAN clients or
distributed LAN clients, select the option Generate 30 day temporary
license. To enter a permanent license, proceed to step 8—page 46.
Note: The illustration shows the Enter License Strings screen that
appears when you access the Enter License wizard from
the StorNext Configuration wizard. The information
below the “Distributed LAN Client License String” field
does not appear when you access the Enter License wizard
from the StorNext home page Config menu.