Thorough Cleaning
Depending on the quantity of films processed, a thorough cleaning is necessary
every 3 - 6 months. Tank cleaners are available for developer and water baths. The
fixer bath is cleaned with water. When preparing chemical tank cleaners, follow
manufacturers instructions explicitly.
How to proceed:
1. Switch the machine off and empty all tanks by opening the stop cocks.
Attention! Machine will not drain off, if it is swichted on.
2. Remove machine cover. When all tanks are emptied, close stop cocks again.
Now fill the fixer-tank with water. Prepare cleaner solutions for developer and
water baths and fill into respective tanks.
3. Remove suction pipes from the replenishment containers and place them in a
water filled bucket. Attention! Do not add chemical cleaners here!
4. Close machine cover and switch machine on.
5. Start film transport (see “Manual starting and stopping the film transport:” on
page 16) and keep running for 10 to 20 minutes. During this the installed roller
racks will be cleaned.
6. Important: After completion of tank cleaning, the tank should be rinsed thor-
oughly with clean water. To do this, fill the machine with fresh water twice and
each time, let the machine run for a 10 minute period. Empty the tanks and re-
close the stop cocks.
7. Take out the roller-racks and rinse them thoroughly with running water.
Remove remaining dirt from the rollers by using a sponge and clean thor-
oughly. Doing this, the rollers can be turned by turning the drive shaft. Wipe
the infeed-roller-pair (first roller-pair of developer rack) dry. Replace the racks.
8. Refill the tanks with respective chemicals. This can be done by hand or auto-
matically (see “Autofill Function” on page 16). Replace the suction pipes into
the replenisher containers. In certain circumstances the circulation system
must be ventilated: see “1. Test run” on page 8 item b).
9. For quality check, process test films.
Before you go on holiday...
or in the event that your processor will not be in use for longer than two weeks, all
the chemicals have to be emptied out of the tanks. In case you don't want to do a
complete tank cleaning at once, then fill the tanks after emptying, with water.
Attention: Do not use alcohol containing solvents to clean the
Colour changes in the containers are caused by the properties
of the chemicals and no cause for concern!