Switching the Machine On
Before switching the machine on, open the fresh water tap and close the water
drainage tap (under control panel). Then switch the machine on (main switch is sit-
uated under the control panel). Once the machine is switched on, a “Start-cycle” of
eight minutes duration is activated: A replenishment cycle is carried out, the water
tank fills automatically and the chemical baths heat up. During this “Start-cycle” no
films can be fed into the machine. The display shows two bars “– –” when the proc-
essor is not ready and no films can be fed in. This is the case during the “start-cycle”
and also when the baths have not reached the temperature. Until the developer
temperature is not reached, the developer temperature button (5) is flashing. It is
possible that the chemical bath has not reached the required temperature even af-
ter the “Start-cycle” has been completed. You need to wait until the developer tem-
perature is reached, before inserting films. Wait until the bars “– –” disappear from
the display.
Automatic Mode
After completion of the “Start-cycle” and after a film-processing, the machine auto-
matically goes into the stand-by mode. In the stand-by mode the processor can be
started at any time by placing a film into infeed tray. Note that films can only be proc-
essed when the developer temperature is reached. When the display shows two
bars “– –” no films can be fed into the machine. The temperature in the bath is too
high or too low. However, when a film was fed into the machine, two bars with dec-
imal points “–. –.“. To avoid a jamming of films wait before feeding the next film in
until this display disappears (which is also signaled by an acoustic sound).
A film in the infeed-tray is registered by the light barrier and the machine starts up.
The film is pulled into the machine and transported through the developer, fixer and
water baths. The remaining time of processing i.e. until the film finally leaves the
machine is displayed, when no more film is in the infeed-tray and the processing
time button was pressed. Each working-parameter can be called up on the display
by pressing the respective mode-button, however, during processing, parameters
cannot be altered. The temperatures of the developer and dryer are automatically
regulated. The replenishment rate of developer and fixer chemicals is activated ac-
cording to the processed film-surface (film-surface measurement). Before a film is
passed on from the developer bath into the fixer bath, it is rinsed with clean water
which minimises pollution of the fixer chemicals with developer chemicals. The film
is then dried in the dryer before passing out of the machine and falling into the catch
tray. The machine then goes into the stand-by mode. To keep the machine in work-
ing condition during the stand-by mode, the electronics have been furnished with
two specialities: The Anticrystalisation Function and the Time Replenishment.
Anticrystalisation Function
During the stand-by mode, the film transport, the dryer ventilation and the water in-
flow are activated every 20 minutes for a period of 15 seconds. This prevents the
build-up of crystals on the rollers. This function cannot be switched off.