PULSEdisplay This
calories and fat calories
you have bumed (see
FAT BURNING on page 19). Every seven seconds,
the display willchange from one number to the
other;,the indicator will lightwhen the number of fat
calodes isshown. This display willalso show your
heart rate when the pulse sensor is used (see
step 6).
r_ Measure your heart rate, if desired.
Stand on the
foot rails and
place your
hands on the
metal contacts
on the handrail.
Your palms
must be resting
on the upper
contacts, and
your fingers must
be touching the
lower contacts--
Metal Contacts
avoid moving your hands. When your heart rate
isdetected, the heart-shaped indicator in the
CALS/FAT CALS/PULSE display will flash
steadily and a "P" willappear. After a few sec-
onds, your heart rate willbe shown. For the most
accurate heart rate reading, continue to hold
the contacts for about 15 seconds.
B When you are finished exercising, press the
STOP button and remove the key.
Step onto the foot rails, press the STOP button and
remove the key from the console. Keep the key in
a secure place.
In addition, movethe on/offswitch to theoft posi-
tion and unplug the power cord.
The four inclineprogramsautomaticallycontrolthe
inclineof the treadmillas they guide you through effec-
tive workouts;the six speed programsautomatically
controlthe speed ofthe treadmill. Followthe steps
below touse a workoutprogram.
D Insert the key into the console.
A momentafter the key isinserted,the fourdisplays,
the LED track, and various indicatorswill light.
B Press the MODE button to select the desired
workout program.
When the key is inserted, the manual mode willbe
selected,as shownby the manual indicator.
To select one of
the workoutpro- Program Indicators
modegrams,press thebutton :'_r"_" I _
repeatedly until :::3--.J_,
one of the four ,_
inclineprogram :_L.L3_
indicators or one " "
of the six speed
programindicators lights.
Note:The fiveAEROBIC programs are twenty
minutes long;the five FAT BURN programs are
thirtyminutes long.The graphs on the sides of the
consoleshow how the inclineor speed ofthe
treadmillwillchange dudngthe programs. During
the AEROBIC I programs, for example, the incline
or speed willgradually increaseduring the first ten
minutesand then gradually decrease during the
lastten minutes. Each program begins with a
warm-up peded and ends witha cool-down period.
l_RSet s maximum incline or speed setting.
incline program, a
numberwillflash inthe
TIME/INCLINE display. _B /
This number is the maxi-
mum incline that the
treadmillwillreach during the selected program. If
you wantto change the maximum inclinesetting,
press the INCLINE A button.The maximum incline
settingcan be from 4.5% to 10%. Ifthe settingis
increased,thedifficulty level ofthe entire program
willincrease. Ifthe settingisdecreased,the difficulty
level ofthe entire programwilldecrease.