
Loading Ribbon
The standard ribbon for MVPSeries printers is nylon fabric, oneinch by 60
yards, spool to spool, (Printronix part number 107675). The ribbon rewinds
automatically to the supply side when installed, so either spool may be
installed on either hub. The ribbon should be replaced when the print contrast
is too low, or approximately after each box of standard size computer paper
is used.
To load the ribbon, lift the printer cover and perform the following steps.
NOTE: The power does not need to be on when you load the ribbon. If it is,
make sure the RDY light is flashing.
1. Move the forms thickness adjustment lever to the base of the printer as
far as it will go. (If the power is on, the CHK indicator will flash when
you move the lever.) The ribbon mask in back of the ruler will separate
Forms Adjustment
Thickness Lever
2. Place one spool of ribbon on a hub so the locking latch snaps into place
and the ribbon unwinds toward the outside.