
Graphics 519
Double Density Plot
For double density plot, the plot line format contains: the even dot plot
control code with plot data bytes, a line terminator to plot the data bytes, the
odd dot plot control code and a line terminator. The control sequence for
sending PSeries double density plot is as follows:
1. Send the even dot plot control code EOT (04 hex), followed by plot data
bytes. (Refer to Table 51 on page 53.)
2. Send a line terminator. The line terminator allows the printer to plot the
data bytes. The paper is not advanced in double density plot; the printer
will wait for the second plot command and plot data bytes.
3. Send the odd dot plot control code ENQ (05 hex) and a second line of
data, followed by a line terminator:
a. For a Line Feed use 0AH. A line feed plots the contents of the
buffer and advances the paper a single dot row, based on the
vertical density of the current mode. A CR (if CR = CR + LF is
configured) may also be used with the same result.
b. For a Form Feed use 0CH. A form feed plots the data bytes and
advances the paper to the top of the next form.
Regardless of which line terminator code is sent, the printer defaults to the
previously selected print mode unless further plot control codes are provided
with the data.
Failure to adhere to this format may cause unexpected results.