
RS-232 Serial Interface
Also if possible, eliminate sending white space (spaces or tabs) at
the end of lines if it is not necessary.
Memory intensive applications may require an adjustment to the
allocation of global memory for optimal performance. This may
include applications where:
the form length is greater than 24 inches
a great number of forms or fonts are being used
the printing resolution is 400 dpi
Refer to the
L5035 Maintenance Manual
or contact a qualified
service representative for details on adjusting the global memory.
RS-232 Serial Interface
This interface is used with bit serial devices compatible with EIA
RS-232E or CCITT V.24 standards. The interface circuit
characteristics are compatible with the Electronic Industry
Association Specification.
The printer is configured as Data Terminal Equipment (DTE).
The serial data transfer baud rate is selectable from the control
panel. The input format consists of a single start bit, 7 or 8 data bits,
and one or two stop bits. The operator can set the number of data
bits from the control panel. The data bits are interpreted with the
least significant bit first. The operator can also set parity checking
via the control panel. The printer interface uses a first-in/first-out
buffer with the size selectable from the control panel. The
asynchronous interface accepts data as it is provided by the host
The maximum cable length from the host computer to the printer is
50 feet.
The maximum baud rate supported by the RS-232 serial interface
is 19.2 KB.
Printing at full-rated speed may require either an RS-422 or parallel
connection for wide format printing applications.