
Chapter 3 Printer Configuration
The allowable range is 1 KBytes to 20 KBytes, in 1-KByte
increments. The default value for this parameter is 1 KBytes.
Max Fonts Loaded
The Maximum Fonts Loaded option specifies the number of
scalable font outlines that can be concurrently loaded into RAM in
the printer.
The allowable range is 1 to 20 fonts, in 1-font increments. The
default value for this parameter is 5 fonts.
NOTE: The above calculations for Maximum Character Memory,
Maximum Cache Memory, and Maximum Cached
Characters assume the standard 300 dpi resolution. If the
optional 240 or 400 dpi resolutions are used, the memory
sizes must be recalculated.
Font Weight
The Font Weight option specifies the thickness or stroke weight of
the text fonts. The allowable range is 10 to 290, in increments of 1.
The default values define the stroke weight for Standard, Bold, and
Extra Bold printing.
Installed Fonts
The Installed Fonts option provides a list of all fonts currently
loaded into RAM.