Administrator’s Guide for ViewStation EX, ViewStation FX, and VS4000
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Severe Problems
The problems in this section prevent you from making calls successfully. They may
also mask less serious problems. For example, if you cannot complete a call and
there is also an audio problem, you will need to correct the problem that prevents
calling before you can determine whether there is an audio problem.
Symptom System Cause Solution
Cannot enter the
Admin Setup screen.
All The system requires a
Enter the password.
System does not
allow management
via web browser.
All Wrong password. Enter admin as the user name, and the
correct admin password.
Note: The default password is the
system’s serial number.
IP calls:
The System
Information screen
shows “waiting” in the
IP Video Number
All The LAN is not working. Check the LAN connection.
Contact your network administrator.
The DHCP server is not
available or cannot give out a
new address.
Contact your network administrator to
correct the problem with the server or
to assign a static IP address.
ISDN: PRI network
interface module’s
red lamp is on or
All The system is not connected
to the PRI network.
Check the PRI network cable.
There is a problem with the
PRI line.
Notify your system administrator or
network service provider.
ISDN: PRI network
interface module’s
yellow lamp is on or
All There is a problem with the
PRI line.
Notify your system administrator or
network service provider.