Administrator’s Guide for ViewStation EX, ViewStation FX, and VS4000
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Key Features
Breakthrough Video Quality
❑ Best for low bandwidth calls — The newly-supported H.264 standard
provides twice the video quality of H.263 in calls that use lower line rates.
❑ Best for high bandwidth calls — Polycom’s own standards-based
Pro-Motion™ 50/60 fields per second video provides television-like quality in
high bandwidth calls.
Industry-Leading Audio Quality
❑ Customizable audio sources — You can connect an external audio system or
a mixer for additional control over what people hear at the far site.
❑ Better sound in large rooms — Improve the audio pick-up in larger rooms by
connecting a second omnidirectional microphone pod.
AES Encryption Support
❑ Standards-based encryption at all speeds up to 2Mbps
• The ViewStation EX, ViewStation FX, and VS4000 systems now offer an
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption option for secure
point-to-point and multipoint calling (IP and ISDN).
• The encryption option supports National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) approved, FIPS 197 compliant 128-bit AES encryption
with extended Diffie-Hellman key distribution recommended by the
H.325 (version 3) standard.
❑ Encryption features include:
• Optional automatic encryption of point-to-point and multipoint calls.
• On-screen indicators that show whether encryption is in use during calls.
• Interoperability with other systems using the H.235 (version 3) standard
encryption implementation.