
Beneath the Enable and Stream URL fields are the Address, Port, Password and
Admin Password fields, which should be completed as follows:
Address Field: Enter the address of the encoder. The default “loop back” address
is typically “”.
Port Field: Enter the Port that the encoder is using. The port number can be
found in the PE Controller Configuration window.
Password Field: Enter the password that was entered in the PE-Controller to
access the encoder.
Admin Password Field: Enter the admin password that was entered in the PE-
Controller to provide administration rights. Unless encoder profiles are going to
be changed, it is often not necessary to enter an administration password.
You can also configure the closed captioning encoder by clicking Configure (See
Figure 4-118).
Fig. 4-118
The “Closed Captioning Encoder Settings” screen will appear (See Figures 4-119
and 4-120).
Fig. 4-119 Fig. 4-120
There are ten fields on the Encoder Settings screen that should be completed as