This section discusses only how to include moderated Q&A in the presentation
and how to provide a moderator password to access submitted questions. For
additional information on the management of moderated Q&A during a
presentation, please see Section 5.6.
To include moderated Q&A feature, select “Moderated” (See Figure 4-38).
Fig. 4-38
Enter a password in the “Access Password” field (See Figure 4-39).
Note: It is important to remember this password, as it is required to access the
administrator screen that receives and displays submitted questions.
Fig. 4-39
4.7 Chat Screen
Accordent PresenterPRO includes a built-in hosted chat solution that utilizes
Volano’s proprietary VolanoChat software and also supports the use of custom
third-party chat solutions.
4.7.1 Use Included Chat Solution
To “Use Included Chat Solution”, enter the server location provided by Accordent
in the “Server URL” field (See Figure 4-40). If a server location has not been
provided, call Accordent Support at (310) 374-7491 and one will be provided.
Fig. 4-40
Next enter the group name that has been provided by Accordent (See Figure 4-
Fig. 4-41