Upgrading Polycom CX700 Phone within a Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 Environment
Polycom CX700 Phone Upgrade Steps - Summary
If your environmental dependencies are close to being set and you just want a
high level checklist of the steps involved in configuring Microsoft Office
Communications Server (OCS) 2007 R2 to upgrade from release to
1.0.522.101 and then to 3.5.6907.35, the following is a summary of the steps. For
more details, refer to the next section, Polycom CX700 Phone Upgrade Steps -
1. Set Environmental Dependencies
a Configure DHCP
— Set Option 006 = the IP Address of internal DNS server
— Set Option 015 = the <DHCPDomain> (contoso.com is used in the
— Optional; set Option 119 = FQDN of any domain containing users that
may connect using and Polycom CX700 phone as well as the domain
containing the pool running Device Updater
b Configure DNS for <SIPDomain> (fabrikam.com is used in the
Add A records for:
— autodiscover.fabrikam.com pointed to the IP address or the
Exchange CAS server used by OCS
— sip.fabrikam.com pointed to the IP address of the pool running
Device Updater
Add SRV records for:
— _sipinternaltls._tcp .fabrikam.com pointed to the FQDN of pool
running Device Update service on port 5061
— _ntp._udp. fabrikam.com pointed to the FQDN of NTP server
(typically time.windows.com but can be any NTP server FQDN)
on port 123
When looking through a NetMon trace from an upgrade to 1.0.522.101, you may
notice that the DNS query for ucupdates-r2.<DHCPDomain> does not occur until
the CPE.NBT file had already started streaming to the OCPE device. This happens
when you sign into the phone prior to the upgrade starting; if you do not sign in, the
DNS query would have occurred at the beginning of the trace.
If upgrading Polycom CX700 phones remotely, refer to the table in Step 1.2 -
Configure DNS on page 2-24 for external DNS requirements.