Deployment Guide for the Polycom CX700 IP Phone
2. If the phone determines it is running a down level version of firmware it
issues either an HTTP or HTTPS GET request to the pool hosting the
Device Update Service:
Where is the internal pool IP address and is the
reverse proxy address defined in WMI as the ExternalBaseURL value.
3. The image is downloaded to the device using HTTP (80) internally or
HTTPS (443) externally.
4. The phone waits for five minutes of idle activity, and then restarts.
5. When restart is complete, the phone is updated but will need to be
recalibrated before use.
Detailed Polycom CX700 Phone Upgrade Sequence When Running Software
Release 1.199.123
The following steps occur when you sign in to a Polycom CX700 phone
running software release 1.199.123. This assumes that the Sign-in address: value
is ocstest1@fabrikam.com and the Domain\User Name: value is
contoso.com\ocstest1 .
Action Examples / Comments
1. Obtain DHCP address
2. Query DNS for time.windows.com and
time.windows.com.<DHCPDomain> A records
3. Polycom CX700 phone sends it’s time to NTP
server time.windows.com
4. DHCP server confirms lease
5. Polycom CX700 phone queries DNS for
_ntp._udp.<SIPDomain> SRV record
6. Polycom CX700 phone queries DNS for DC
(specified in DHCP DomainNameServer attrib.)
dc01.<DHCPDomain> A record
7. Polycom CX700 phone queries DNS for SRV / A
records in this order (returns Success or Name
Error for each query)
• Query DNS for _sipinternaltls._tcp. <SIPDomain>
SRV record
• Query DNS for pool01.<DHCPDomain> A record (pool01.contoso.com) / _sipinternaltls points to