
Ultra Secure Mode
Polycom®, Inc. 842
Maximum Repeating Characters
There are two separate flags that control the maximum number of repeated characters permitted in a
password, one for the user password and one for the chairperson (conference) password.
MAX_PASSWORD_REPEATED_CHAR allows the administrator to configure the maximum number
of consecutive repeating characters to be allowed in a user password.
Range: 1 - 4
Default: 2
MAX_CONF_PASSWORD_REPEATED_DIGITS allows the administrator to configure the maximum
number of consecutive repeating digits to be allowed in a conference password.
Range: 1 - 4
Default: 2
Defining Password Change Frequency
The frequency with which a user can change a password is determined by the value of the
MIN_PWD_CHANGE_FREQUENCY_IN_DAYS System Flag. The value of the flag is the number of days
that users must retain a password.
Possible retention period is between 0 and 7 days. In Ultra Secure Mode the retention period is
between 1 (default) and 7.
If the System Flag is set to 0, users do not have to change their passwords. The System Flag cannot
be set to 0 when the Collaboration Server is in Ultra Secure Mode.
If a user attempts to change a password within the time period specified by this flag, the error
Password change is not allowed before defined min time has passed is displayed.
An administrator can assign a new password to a user at any time.
Forcing Password Change
When the system is in Ultra Secure Mode the user is forced to change his/her password as follows:
After modifying the value of the ULTRA_SECURE_MODE System Flag to YES, all Collaboration
Server users are forced to change their Login passwords.
When an administrator creates a new user, the user is forced to change his/her password on first
If an administrator changes a users User ID name, that user is forced to change his/her password on
his/her next Login.
If a user logs in using his/her old or default password, the Login attempt will fail. The error User must
change password is displayed.
Changes made by the administrator to any of the Strong Password enforcement System Flags render
users’ passwords invalid.
Example: A user is logged in with a fifteen character password. The administrator changes the value of the
MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH System Flag to 20.
The next time the user tries to log in, he/she is forced to change his/her password to meet the updated
Strong Password requirements.