
IVR Services
Polycom®, Inc. 603
7 Verify that the Format reads: PCM 16.000 kHz, 16Bit, Mono. If the format is correct, continue with
step 10. If the format is incorrect, click Change.
The Sound Selection dialog box is displayed.
8 In the Name field, select the name of the format created in step
9 Click OK.
The system returns to the Save As dialog box.
10 In the Save in field, select the directory where the file will be stored.
11 In the Save as Type field, select the *.wav file format.
12 In the File name box, type a name for the message file, and then click the Save button.
13 To record additional messages, repeat steps 1 to 10.
To upload your recorded *.wav file to the Collaboration Server, see step