
User’s Manual of WGSW-24040 / WGSW-24040R
SGSW-24040 / SGSW-24040R
4.15.2 Ping
This page allows you to issue ICMP PING packets to troubleshoot IP connectivity issues.
After you press , 5 ICMP packets are transmitted, and the sequence number and roundtrip time are displayed upon reception of
a reply. The page refreshes automatically until responses to all packets are received, or until a timeout occurs. The ICMP Ping
screen in Figure 4-15-1 appears.
Figure 4-15-1 ICMP Ping page screenshot
The page includes the following fields:
Object Description
IP Address
The destination IP Address.
Ping Size
The payload size of the ICMP packet. Values range from 8 bytes to 1400 bytes.
Be sure the target IP Address is within the same network subnet of the switch, or you had setup the
correct gateway IP address.
After field the parameter and press “Start” to execute the Ping function. The Ping result shows at the next tabl