
4.5 Traffic
4.5.1 ATM Traffic Descriptor
This option allows you to modify the traffic table. From the Traffic menu, click on ATM
Traffic Descriptor. The following page is displayed:
ATM Traffic Descriptor Setup
Label Description
PCR PCR stands for Peak Cell Rate (cells/second).
CDVT CDVT stands for Cell Delay Variation Tolerance (microseconds).
SCR SCR stands for Sustained Cell Rate (cells/second).
MBS MBS stands for Maximum Burst Size (cells).
This field will show Shaped or Policed depending on the descriptor type you
Click on this drop-down list and select a descriptor type. After you select a
descriptor type, the corresponding parameters (which are configurable) will
be displayed on the top. Valid descriptor types are:
[Unshaped] atmNoTrafficDescriptor:
This identifies no ATM traffic descriptor type. This traffic descriptor type can
be used for best effort traffic.
[Policed CBR] atmCLPTransparentNoScr /
[Shaped CBR] atmCLPTransparentNoScr:
This traffic descriptor type is for the CLP- transparent model and no
Sustained Cell Rate. This traffic descriptor type is applicable to
connections following the CBR.1 conformance definition. Connections
specifying this traffic descriptor type will be rejected at UNI 3.0 or UNI 3.1
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