Appendix B: Troubleshooting
This section provides useful information to resolve
difficulty you may experience with your DRM-6NX:
÷The front panel indicators
÷Errors when accessing the DRM-6NX
÷Problems running CD-ROM software
÷Difficulties locating the DRM-6NX in NetWare
÷Problems locating the domain controller in SMB
÷Problems when accessing disc changers
÷Restoring the factory default settings
÷The others
The Front Panel Indicators
The front panel indicators show the status of the DRM-
6NX. The indicators have the following functions:
÷Status - Flashes during startup (When the DRM-6NX
is ready for use, the light goes out. The LED remains
off, unless an error condition occurs.)
÷HDD - Flashes to indicate hard disk activity and SCSI
Never turn off the power when the hard disk
drive is active (while a HDD indicator is flashing)
÷Network - Flashes to indicate the presence of network
÷CHANGER - Lit when data is read from the internal
changer and when the SCSI bus is accessed
÷Power - Indicates that power is connected to the
DRM-6NX (This LED remains lit and is only used
to indicate power is present in the DRM-6NX unit)
Normal Conditions
The Power LED is hardware-controlled and is always lit
when power is connected
This table shows the other front panel indicators under
normal conditions:
Status LED HDD LED Network LED
Initial power to unit ON ON ON
During power-up/Self-test.
Approx. 30 seconds.
After power-up/Self-test OFF ON Flash*
First disc inserted OFF ON Flash*
Last disc removed OFF OFF Flash*
Network Packet arrived OFF N/A Flash*
Flash loading
1 Flash/sec1 Flash/sec1 Flash/sec
* The Network LED flashs when there is network traffic
The latest information regarding this product is
provided at
United States http://www.pioneerusa.com
Europe http://www.pioneer-eur.com/product.htm