Microsoft & IBM Networks (SMB)
This section outlines the required configuration settings
for running the Network Cache Changer DRM-6NX in
the Microsoft and IBM (SMB) network environment,
(i.e. Windows for Workgroups, Windows 95, Windows
NT or OS/2). It also describes how to set up access
restrictions for individuals and groups of users.
SMB (Server Message Blocks) is a protocol that uses
NetBIOS. NetBIOS may be transported over several
different network protocols. The DRM-6NX supports
the following transport methods:
÷SMB over NetBIOS/TCP/IP (also designated NBT)
Both protocols are enabled by default. However, you
can disable the protocols not needed by setting the
appropriate configuration parameters.
If you are using the DRM-6NX in a multi-protocol
environment, proceed to the other relevant sections
of the manual:
÷pp. 20 – 24 - NetWare (NCP)
÷pp. 25 – 26 - UNIX (NFS)
÷pp. 27 – 28 - Web (HTTP)
Network Settings
Use the Administration pages within the DRM-6NX
interface to configure the Network Cache Changer.
Refer to “
Accessing DRM-6NX Web Pages
”, page 16.
SMB Server Name
The default SMB server name is PIONEER<nnnnnn>,
where <nnnnnn> is the last six digits of the DRM-6NX
serial number. This is the name that will be presented
to the Windows clients on the network. You can change
that name by editing the SMB Server Name parameter.
It can be useful to choose a more descriptive name such
as indicating where the unit is located.
The installation wizard is a convenient way to set up
the DRM-6NX for your network environments.
1.Click Network Settings.
2.Click Wizard and the Wizard dialog appears
3. Choose Windows (SMB) to set up the DRM-6NX for
your Windows clients
4. Click Start to proceed with the installation and follow
the instructions on the screen
5.When finished, click Close
6.Click Detailed View to verify the settings
It is recommended that you disable all protocols that you do not
intend to use
Online help is available for all parameters
The parameter list is described in detail in “Appendix A - Parameter
List” on page 40