Chapter Three ¥ CLD-V5000 Level III
3-8 TP 121 v. 1.0 ¥ 1/96 CLD-V5000 Level III UserÕs Manual
2) Integer Ñ This indicates that the argument should be an integer number. The
value is used to set a control register to some specified value or condition.
N1 N2 N3 N4 N5
minimum = 00000 » maximum = 65535
NOTE: The maximum value used to set a control register is 255. For details see
Section 3.7.6 Register Control Commands, page 3-39.
A Search command can accept up to the last frame, chapter or time number encoded
on a LaserDisc. Maximum number of frames on one side of a LaserVision standard
videodisc is 54,000 (CAV), Chapters, 0-79 (CAV or CLV), time numbers 59.59 (CLV).
(One side of CLV disc holds one-hour of full motion video, time numbers can be
encoded that describe running time of a program taking up several sides of several discs
up to 9:59.59.) If a frame, chapter or time number larger than the last one encoded on
a LaserDisc is entered, the player will search to the highest number encoded on the disc
and then enter Still (CAV) or Pause Mode (CLV). If a block, index or time number larger
than the last one encoded on a CD is entered, the player will not execute the search.
3) (Address) or (Integer) Ñ When an argument, an address or an integer, is
indicated in parentheses, it is optional and can be omitted.
Command String Ñ A command string consists of multiple commands. The
maximum length of a command string is 20 characters and it is terminated by the
<C/R> code (0D hex). Example: FR2000SE 2300PL <C/R>
¥ After the termination, the command string is evaluated, and executed
sequentially from the first command.
¥ The <L/F> code (0A hex) and <SPACE> code (20 hex), even if contained in
the command string, will be ignored because <L/F>, <C/R> and <SPACE>
are not included in the number of characters which can be transmitted in
the command string.
¥ When an error occurs, subsequent commands in a string will not be executed.
¥ If a new command string is input before execution of a current string has been
completed, the remaining commands are cleared and execution is cancelled.
Thus, in order to cancel a currently executing string, simply send the <C/R>
without a preceding command. This does not cancel PA, SE, or RJ.
¥ When the player is put into Spin-Up, Spin-Down or Search Mode, by external
commands SA, RJ, or SE, subsequent commands issued will be executed and
an ÒRÓ will be returned after the Spin-Up, Spin-Down or Search Mode cycle is
finished, due to the playerÕs communication protocol. To check the playerÕs
status, send a command to request status, ?P, ?D, ?T, ?R etc. To set player
address flags send CH, FR, TM, BL, IX. If these commands are sent while the
mode cycles are in progress, the player will process the command, but wonÕt send
a completion status.