3.3 Initial Settings
The internal registers and switches are set to the following conditions when power
is turned on. The settings are not re-initialized when the player is put into Park or
Door Open Mode. Do not forget to set them to the parameters needed when creating
an application program. Some of the switch settings can be set only via Register
Commands under computer control; others can be set by using the DIP Switches
on the rear panel of the player or via Registers. For more information see Section
3.7.6 Register Control Commands, page 3-39, and Section 2.3 Function
Switch Settings, page 2-6.
Chapter Three ¥ CLD-V5000 Level III
Register/Switch Initial Setting Status
Key lock 0 Unlocked
Video switch 1 ON
Audio switch 7 Digital Stereo
(If digital audio is
encoded on the disc.)
Display switch 0 OFF
Address flag 3 Frame - CAV; Time - CLV
Track - CD, CDV
Speed parameter 60 Normal (X1) speed
Control Mode 3 Automatic Status
REG. A 3 Frame/Chapter - LD;
Track/Time - CD, CDV
REG. B 0 Normal squelch
REG. C 1 Side Repeat ON and Blue
(BAUD Rate can be set
using SW 1 & 2, Auto Start
can be set using SW 5, and
Squelch color of Blue or
Black can be selected with
SW 6 on the back of the
CLD-V5000. Some options
can also be set through
Register C under
Level III control.)
REG. E Depends on
Function Switch
3-4 TP 121 v. 1.0 ¥ 1/96 CLD-V5000 Level III UserÕs Manual
Figure 3-D