48 49
Network Control (▶Set preference to Enable/Disable network control via UPnP)
Reset to Factory Defaults
Restart SoundBridge
System Confi guration> Show Wi-Fi Status
Connected to [Network name]
Quality: xx Signal: xxdBm
Technical Details:
Connected to an open-system access point…
MAC Address:
IP Address:
DNS 1:
DNS 2:
Home> Settings
Visualizer Settings…
Return to Now Playing When Idle
Scroll Long info in Now Playing
Display Composer for Classical Works
Memorize Radio Playlist… (▶”Select a playlist to save the fi rst 18 Internet radio stations in that
playlist as your Presets.” Note-only works if connected to music library in which the playlist is
Home> Settings> Visualizer Settings
Select Visualizer… (▶Clock/Frequency Analyzer/Horizontal VU-Meter/Oscilloscope/Vertical
VU-Meter/Voice Print)
No Visualization
Partial-screen Visualization
Full-screen Visualization
In all menus and song lists:
Ë The arrow icon indicates the menu item being selected.
In song lists and the “Song Queue” screen:
The music note icon denotes a single track (as opposed to a collection of tracks).
X)) The speaker with audio waves shows current song playing (only on the “Song Queue”
X The speaker without audio waves shows current song paused (only on the “Song Queue”
The upward facing radio transmission signal indicates an Internet radio station.
œ The padlock icon indicates protected content that cannot be played. AAC songs purchased
from the Apple Music Store will have this icon; these songs are not available for playback
by SoundBridge. If you see this icon on a DRM WMA song, and are playing from WMC
or another DRM-compatible server, then the SoundBridge may not have completed the
authentication process with the server yet. Try waiting a minute or two, then hit the Back
key and re-load the song list.
X This indicates an unsupported fi le format.
On your “Now Playing” screen:
4 The Play icon indicates SoundBridge is in playback mode.
; The Pause icon indicates playback has been paused.
< The Stop icon indicates playback has been stopped.
The Shuffl e icon (with two crossed arrows) indicates playback of your Song Queue is
happening in random order.
The Repeat icon indicates continuous playback of your Song Queue.
The Repeat Single Track icon indicates continuous playback of the currently playing track.
Section 11: Appendices Section 11: Appendices