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Format your time display by choosing what to display in each of four fi elds. SoundBridge
“strings together” all the fi elds to create the time display. For example, if you don’t want to
see seconds, or don’t want to see “AM/PM”, select the hour and minute format, then choose
the “Leave Blank” in the remaining drop down menus. Take note of the small text-entry boxes
to the right of the pop-up menus. This is where you enter the character that should appear
between the sections of the time. For example, enter a colon (“:”) for the usual “12:15” format.
The date selection works the same way — you can choose the format that best fi ts your
geographic standard or your personal preference.
To disable the date/time display altogether when SoundBridge is in standby, select the
corresponding option on this page.
Don’t forget to click the “Update” button for the date or time confi guration once you’ve
changed it. Since the update buttons correspond separately to date, time, time zone, etc, you
should only update one section at a time, and then press the appropriate update button.
When you are fi nished, simply close your web page.
Language Setup
SoundBridge will prompt you for your desired language the fi rst time you set up the unit. If
you would like to change the language after the initial setup, use the SoundBridge web page.
Please see section 7 of this user guide for instructions on launching your SoundBridge web
page. Then, choose the “Confi guration” tab. You can choose your language in one of two ways:
1. From the drop down menu titled “Select Language”, choose from the options available.
(Currently, SoundBridge ships with the following language options: English, French,
German, Spanish, Swedish, Japanese, Traditional Chinese and Simplifi ed Chinese. Click the
“Change” button to switch to the chosen language.
2. If your language is not listed in the above options, you can upload a Language Resource File
containing the instructions to display another language. To see if a third-party translation
already exists for your desired language, please visit: www.rokulabs.com/support/
international. To download and edit or “translate” this fi le for your language, click on the
“View Current Language Resource File” link. To upload a resource fi le that you or another
third party has created, use the Browse button on the web page to locate the fi le on your
computer’s hard drive, then click “Update” to load it into SoundBridge.
Hint: You can always revert to SoundBridge’s built-in default languages by clicking the
Revert button on the bottom of the Language settings area.
When you are fi nished editing your language settings, simply close your web page.
Section 9: Advanced Features Section 9: Advanced Features