If, contrary to expectation, you have any problems using this
video recorder, it may be caused by one of the reasons
mentioned below. You can also call the customer service
centre in your country.
You will find the phone number in the enclosed guarantee
Your video recorder does not respond to any button being
• Thereis no power supply:check the power supply
• Aprogrammed recordingis currently being made:cancel the
programmed recordingwith the
TV/STANDBYm button.
• Continuousplayback is on:switch the continuous playbackoff.
• Thereis a technical problem:switch off the mainspower supply
for 30 seconds,then switch it on again.If this does not have any
effect, you can:
1. Switchoff the mains power supplyagain.
2. Then switchit on whilst holding down the
STANDBY m button
on the video recorder.
3. Release thebutton when ’--:--’ or’E1’ appears on the video
recorder display.All the informationstored (TV channels, time
and date, TIMER) willbe cleared.
Cassette is jammed in the video recorder:
• Don’tuse force. Pullout the mains plug for a moment.
Remote control does not work:
• Remotecontrol not pointed towardthe video recorder: pointit at
the video recorder.
• Batterieshave run out: change the batteries.
No picture when you play a cassette:
• Thereis no recording on thecassette: change the cassette.
• Youhave chosen the wrong programmenumber on the TV for
playing cassette:on the TV, select the correctprogramme
number for thevideo recorder.
• Thecable connecting the TV set and thevideo recorder has
come loose: checkthe cable.
Poor picture quality when you play a cassette:
• YourTV set is not properlyadjusted.
• Thecassette badly worn orof poor quality: use newcassette.
• Trackingis not properlyadjusted or the videoheads are dirty:
turn to chapter ’PLAYBACK’and read the section’Cleaning the
video heads’.
The video recorder will not record:
• TheTV channel you want to recordis not stored or youselected
the wrong programmenumber: check TV channelsstored.
• Youhave loaded a cassette whichcannot be recorded on: undo
the erase protectionon the cassette.
Programmed recording does not work:
• Youhave not set the TIMER properly:check the TIMER blocks.
• Youhave programmed the wrongtime or date: check timeand
• Youhave put in a cassette that cannotbe recorded on: undo the
erase protection onthe cassette.
• ’PDC’or ’VPS’ switchedon but ’PDC/VPS time’wrong: enter PDC
or VPS timeexactly to the minute. Haveyour aerial checked.
• Aftera ’programmed recordingwith ’VIDEO Plus+’the
programme numberof the TIMER block willnot agree with the
required programmenumber: when you haveconfirmed the
PlusCode programmingnumber, confirm the TIMERblock by
pressing the
TIMER button. Then changethe programme
number displayedin the ’
PROG’ entry fieldand confirm by
pressing the
TIMER button.
There is picture or sound interference on TV reception:
• Turnto chapter ’ADDITIONALFUNCTIONS’ and read’Poor TV
reception - optimisingthe modulator’ and ’Switchingoff the
• Haveyour aerial checked.
8. Before you call an engineer