The remote control
TV To call up additional TV functions: Additional
TV functions for TV setswith the same remote
control code (RC5)
TV/STANDBY m Switch off : To switch off set, interruptmenu
function, interrupt aprogrammed recording
CHILD LOCKu No function
EJECT J Eject: To eject a cassette
MONITOR TV monitor : To switchbetween TV reception
and VCR playback
SYSTEM Specialfunction: For instance, to switch on
the test picture
0-9 Number buttons:0-9
SELECT Select: To select a function
TIMER TIMER: To make a manual TIMER
programming with VIDEOPlus+ or to alter or
clear a programmed TIMER
MENU Menu : To call up the main menu
OK Store/Confirm: To store orconfirm entry
D/Sr Select: Cursor left
C/Sq Select: Cursor right
P q Select: Oneline or programme number up
P r Select: Oneline or programme number down
SP/LP, AV SP/LP : To select the recordingspeed (Long
Play/Standard Play)
CLEAR (CL), y Delete : To delete lastentry/Clear programmed recording (TIMER)
PLAY G Playback : To play a recorded cassette
[ Rewind : During STOPand STANDBY: rewind,during PLAYBACK:reverse
STOP h Pause/Stop: To stop the tape,except while a TIMER-recordingis being made
I Forward wind: DuringSTOP and STANDBY:forward wind, during PLAYBACK:
forward scanning
INDEX E Indexsearch: In combination with [ / I :to search for previous/next
recording on the cassette.
RECORD/OTRn Record:To record the programme selected
STILL R Stillpicture: To stop the tape andshow a still picture
Additional TV functions
Press the TV buttonand the correct button onthe remote control at thesame
D/Sr TV volume: TV volumedown
C/Sq TV volume: TV volumeup
SP/LP, AV To switchthe TV to Audio-/Videoinput socket
CLEAR (CL), y TV volume off:To switch off the TVvolume
TV/STANDBY m Switchoff : To switch off set
P q TV programme number : TV programmenumber up
P r TV programme number : TV programmenumber down