Taking Pictures
An icon indicating either Face Priority On or Smile Capture appears on
the display. (The icon does not appear when the Face Recognition
function is not activated.)
• The Face Recognition function cannot be set to off in b (Auto
Picture), P (Portrait), R (Kids), C (Half-length Portrait), B (Night
Scene Portrait) or V (Natural Skin Tone) mode. You can select either
Face Priority On or Smile Capture in these modes.
• Even if the Face Recognition function is set to off, it is automatically
turned on when 9 (Green), b (Auto Picture), C (Movie),
V (Underwater Movie), P (Portrait), R (Kids), C (Half-length
Portrait), B (Night Scene Portrait) or V (Natural Skin Tone) mode is
selected. When switching to another mode from one of these modes,
the Face Recognition setting returns to the previous setting.
• If you use the Face Recognition function when the flash mode is set to
, (Auto), the flash mode automatically changes to d (Flash On +
Red-eye) when shooting.
I button
Face Priority On Smile Capture Face Priority Off