C1534M (1/06) 27
Resize a Map Icon
Use the + and - buttons on the editing tool bar to increase and decrease the size of the icons placed on the currently active map image. The size
of the map icons remains constant relative to the map image when using the map zoom functions. It is recommended that icons be sized for the
map at the zoom level used most often.
Figure 26. Resize Buttons on Editing Tool Bar
Create a Link to Another Site Map Image
You can link related maps, allowing for cameras to be easily located and managed. Pelco recommends that you document a site map’s hierarchy
on paper prior to working in the VMX210 system in order to avoid creating incorrect, unnecessary, or confusing links. Since a defined area may be
invisible to the user except for a change in the mouse cursor, you may want to add a link graphic to desired areas of the images before importing
them into VMX200.
1. Click the hyperlink button on the editing tool bar.
2. Position the mouse crosshairs at a desired starting point on the site map image, and then click several points around the perimeter of the
area you wish to define as a link. Continue clicking perimeter points until you have created the link area.
3. Once the link area is defined, right-click inside it. The Link Action dialog box appears.
Figure 27. Link Action Dialog Box
4. Click Load Map and then select the desired map file from the Maps drop-down box.
5. Click OK.
Once you close the editing tool bar, the lines around the link areas disappear. As you move the mouse over a linked area, the mouse pointer
changes to a finger pointer to indicate a linked area. The name of the destination map for a link area appears in the bottom of the map window.
Figure 28. Sample Map Site Link Area
Delete Links to Other Site Map Images
1. Click one of the link area’s lines. The blue boundary lines change to pink.
2. Press the Del key on the keyboard.
NOTE: This action cannot be reversed. If you delete a link by accident, you must redraw it.
Configure External Device Windows
All installed external monitors, VCRs, and DVRs, are represented on the site map window by the appropriate icons on the site map tool bar. Refer
to the Operation section for more information on using these icons.