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Change Start-Up Options
1. Select Edit > Options from the site map menu bar. The Options dialog box appears.
2. Click on the Startup tab. The start-up options appear.
Figure 15. Startup Options Tab
3. Select the following options as appropriate:
Startup Map: Select the map to be loaded when the user logs in. If you have not yet imported site map images, the only
option available is the Default Map. Refer to Import a Site Map Image in the Configure Site Maps section.
Startup Macro: Select the desired start-up macro to be run when the user logs in, immediately after the AutoRun macro.
This setting is specific for each user and can be executed or disabled on the login dialog box.
The AutoRun macro initializes the VMX200 video windows and will call up the system settings that were
valid when the software was last exited.
The user’s start-up macro might be a specific set of cameras displayed on specific monitors, or it might be
designed to run a quick tour of facilities.
NOTE: You must create system macros before you can select a start-up macro for the user. Refer to Configure Macros in the Additional
Configuration section for more information on macros.
4. Click OK.
Change Alarm Options
1. Select Edit > Options from the site map menu bar. The Options dialog box appears.
2. Click on the Alarms tab. The Alarms option appears.
Figure 16. Alarm Options Tab
3. 3. Click the Alarm Viewer check box to make the alarm viewer pop-up automatically each time a new alarm point is activated.
Leave the Alarm Viewer check box unchecked if the user will rely on a periodic manual scan of the alarm viewer as a check for new alarm
4. Click OK.