Appendix One: GUI Introduction
12/97 9760-GUI 57
1.2.6 Pelco 9760-GUI Graphic User Interface Main Screen
Selecting “Show All Buttons” from the Screen menu will result in buttons appearing all over the screen.
Area buttons are yellow... Alarm buttons are red... Camera/mimic buttons are gray
1.2.7 Select Window
This window will crop up whenever you need to enter the number of a device or function you want; e.g., a
macro, camera, camera preset, or alarm (it could be called the “Enter-the-number-of-the-device-you-want
Window”). In general, note that the window stays the same but the title changes (either Preset, Alarm, etc.)
If any of the tasks you need to perform require the number of a device or function listed above, click on the
numbers in the number pad with the mouse (or use the keyboard) then click on (or press) Enter.
Camera/mimic button. Clicking
on one of these may merely put
that camera’s image on the
selected monitor
Depending on how the button
is programmed, it may set in
motion a pre-determined set of
up to five camera/monitor
switches and a macro as well
(if programmed)
Spare space for positioning
dialog windows so the
picture is not obstructed
Area Button. Clicking on one
of these brings up a detailed
“sub-map” of that particular
area on screen
Area button
Menu line
Video icon
Control icon
Area icon
Alarm icon
selector box
Macro icon
Record icon
GPI icon
Arm Alarm
Alarm status box
System Error box