Chapter Three: Maps and Administrator Features
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3. Ensure the correct drive is selected in the Drives box.
4. Ensure the directory where the Graphic Controller program is stored is selected in the Directories
box (e.g., C:\Gcon).
5. Enter the name for the file in the File Name box. This name should describe the map; e.g.,
6. Click OK to save the changes. Click Cancel to abort the changes.
If the current session is exited and changes have not been saved, the Map/Screen Changed window (illus-
trated in Figure 3-3) will appear. Click OK to save the changes. Click Continue to abort the changes.
Figure 3-3: Map/Screen Changed Window.
3.4.1a Default.bmp
The map that is to be used most frequently should be renamed default.bmp. The map, which is lo-
cated in the same directory as the Graphic Controller program (e.g., C:/Gcon), will automatically be
loaded when the Graphic Controller program is started. If a map called default.bmp cannot be found,
a map will need to be loaded manually.
3.4.2 Loading Files
Files (maps) that have been saved previously can be loaded whenever required.
To load files (map):
1. Log on to the system using the Administrator password.
2. The default map should appear (i.e., the map named Default.bmp).
3. Select Load Map from the Map menu option. The Load Map & Details window (illustrated in
Figure 3-4) will appear.