CQ Command Queuing
Enable command queuing in mode incremental/absolute to buffer each command waiting for
the previous command to complete, before issuing the next. In certain circumstances,
disable this sequential operation, for example if you need to generate a trigger pulse part
way through a move. Normally, the move would complete before trigger command
execution, but by disabling command queuing, the trigger command becomes immediate
and will operate upon meeting the required trigger conditions.
For example, the following code would allow output 1 to signal PA is greater than 10000
before finishing the move.
1MAIN: ;define label
1MI ;mode incremental
1W(CQ,0) ;enable continuous execution of commands
1G ;go
1TR(PA,>,10000) ;trigger when position actual becomes greater than 10000
1O(1) ;output 1
1TR(IP,=,1) ;wait for move to finish
1W(CQ,1) ;enable command queuing again
DC Damping Configuration
Selecting DC gives a faster settling time by damping oscillations (ringing) of the motor shaft.
Under certain conditions, such as use with low current motors, the activation of the damping
circuit can lead to an increase in the audible noise of operation. However, we recommend
the use of DC for highly dynamic operations.
DF Description
See drive fault bit description in Reporting the Status of Variables.
EO Description
When an encoder is connected to the primary feedback input on X2, you may use the
encoder outputs (connector X4) to supply a step-direction or step-up/step-down signal for
use by another drive. System parameter EO determines the output as defined in
Table 4-3. Note: The source of these pulses is X2 primary encoder, they are not generated
from within the drive’s indexer. Before changing the system variable EO it is necessary to
de-energise the drive.
X4 EO=0 EO=1 EO=2
14 STEP+ CW+ A+
9 STEP- CW- A-
15 DIR+ CCW+ B+
10 DIR- CCW- B-
Table 4-3. Encoder Output Configuration