Syntax Units Range of ‘n’ Default See also
aMn - see below - FRATE
The mode command sets up the mode of operation of the controller.
The values of n are:
A – indexed move with absolute positioning
B – continuous move with velocity controlled from the analogue input
C – continuous move
I – indexed move with incremental positioning
P – step and direction base drive mode
Mode absolute – all move distances are referenced to absolute distance.
Mode bidirectional - the motor moves continuously at the velocity determined
by the analogue input level. +10V gives maximum +ve velocity (determined
by V), -10V gives maximum –ve velocity (determined by V), 0V gives nominal
zero velocity (see also AB variable to set analogue deadband, A0 to set
analogue offset).
Mode continuous –the motor moves continuously at the programmed velocity
until stopped.
Mode incremental – all move distances are referenced to the starting position
of each move.
Mode Position – Like 1:1 following except that the enable input becomes a
true energise input. Acts like a base drive. No preset motion is allowed, but
user programs will run.
Immediate or buffered, can be used in labelled block, saved by SV
Example 1
The code below sets up an absolute move.
3W(PA,0) ;set PA, PT, PF & PE to zero
3MA ;mode absolute
3D1000 ;set distance
3G ;move to absolute position 1000
3D100 ;set distance
3G ;move to absolute position 100
3R(PT) ;report target position
To check the current mode, type .....................................
The response will be........................................................ *MA