There are two means of programming branching programs to preserve the
execution conditions. One is to use TR bits; the other, to use interlocks
The TR area provides eight bits, TR 0 through TR 7, that can be used to tem-
porarily preserve execution conditions. If a TR bit is used as the operand of
the OUTPUT instruction placed at a branching point, the current execution
condition will be stored at the designated TR bit. Storing execution conditions
is a special application of the OUTPUT instruction. When returning to the
branching point, the same TR bit is then used as the operand of the LOAD
instruction to restore the execution condition that existed when the branching
point was first reached in program execution.
The above diagram B can be written as shown below to ensure correct exe-
Instruction 1
Instruction 2
Diagram B: Corrected Using a TR bit
TR 0
Address Instruction Operands
0000 LD 0000
0001 OUT TR 0
0002 AND 0001
0003 Instruction 1
0004 LD TR 0
0005 AND 0002
0006 Instruction 2
In terms of actual instructions the above diagram would be as follows: The
status of 0000 is loaded (a LOAD instruction) to establish the initial execution
condition. This execution condition is then output using an OUTPUT instruc-
tion to TR 0 to store the execution condition at the branching point. The exe-
cution condition is then ANDed with the status of 0001 and instruction 1 is
executed accordingly. The execution condition that was stored at the branch-
ing point is then loaded back in (a LOAD instruction with TR 0 as the oper-
and) and instruction 2 is executed accordingly.
The following example shows an application using two TR bits.
Instruction 1
0000 0002
TR 1
TR 0
Instruction 2
Instruction 3
Instruction 4
Address Instruction Operands
0000 LD 0000
0001 OUT TR 0
0002 AND 0001
0003 OUT TR 1
0004 AND 0002
0005 OUT 0500
0006 LD TR 1
0007 AND 0003
0008 OUT 0501
0009 LD TR 0
0010 AND 0004
0011 OUT 0502
0012 LD TR 0
0013 AND NOT 0005
0014 OUT 0503
In this example, TR 0 and TR 1 are used to store the execution conditions at
the branching points. After executing instruction 1, the execution condition
stored in TR 1 is loaded for an AND with the status 0003. The execution con-
dition stored in TR 0 is loaded twice, the first time for an AND with the status
of 0004 and the second time for an AND with the inverse of the status of
TR Bits
The Ladder Diagram Section 4-3