09 SNXT 100 Always
10 SFT 102 When shifting 1 word
248 When shifting 13 words
90 to 254 When reset (1 to 13 words)
11 KEEP 19 When set
20 When reset
12 CNTR 95 When counting DOWN
190.5 When counting UP (word specified)
13 DIFU 60.5 When input = 1
56.5 When input = 0
14 DIFD 59 When input = 1
62.5 When input = 0
15 TIMH 94.5 When timing
97 to 187.5 When reset
16 WSFT 97 When shifting DM by 1 word
825.5 When shifting DM by 64 words
20 CMP 121.5 When comparing a constant with word data
212 When comparing a TIM/CNT with word data
21 MOV 109 When transferring a constant to a word
196 When transferring a TIM/CNT to a word
22 MVN 108.5 When inverting & transferring a constant to a word
196 When inverting & transferring a TIM/CNT to a word
23 BIN 115 When converting & transferring a TIM/CNT to a word
193.5 When converting & transferring a word to a word
24 BCD 194 When converting & transferring DM to DM
202.5 When converting & transferring data in other areas
30 ADD 233 When adding two words
352 When adding a TIM/CNT to a constant
31 SUB 237.5 When subtracting a word from a word
356.5 When subtracting a constant from a TIM/CNT
32 MUL 655 When multiplying a DM word by a DM word
33 DIV 572 When dividing a DM word by a DM word
40 STC 16 Always
41 CLC 16 Always
60 RDM 695 At reset
61 HDM 734 Always
62 ENDW 197 With DM word
63 NETW 58 Always
76 MLPX 212.5 Word, 1 digit (constant) —> word
288 Word, 4 digits (constant) —> word
355 TIM/CNT, 1 digit (TIM/CNT) —> word
431 TIM/CNT, 4 digits (TIM/CNT) —> word
77 DMPX 298.5 Word, 1 digit (constant) —> word
658.5 Word, 4 digits (constant) —> word
456 TIM/CNT, 1 digit (TIM/CNT) —> word
1,080 TIM/CNT, 4 digits (TIM/CNT) —> word
145 When shifting one word
743 When shifting 64 DM words
Instruction Execution Times Section 6-4