
main menu, 43
C: Monitor Network, 103
D: Broadcast Test, 101
E: Display Error Log, 104
I: System Setup, 135
K: Connection Information, 115
L: Data Link, 45
M: Maintenance, 112
N: Echoback Test, 100
P: Set Network Parameters, 83
Q: Exit to DOS, 142
R: Routing Table, 85
S: Display Node Status, 109
W: Edit PC ID, 124
maintenance menu, displaying, 113
hierarchy, 10
item selection, 20
modems, 149
conditions, 149
connection online, 160
without communications software, 161
connection to computer, 158
connection to Host Link port, 158
connection to Host Link Unit, 159
connection to peripheral port, 158
settings, 157
setup procedures, 151
system configuration, 149
terminating online connection, 160
connection, 5
initializing parameters, 114
starting, 38
Network Configuration Screens, 116
display order, 117
networks, interconnecting, 39
node, connection method, 23
node models, specifying, 81
node number, setting, 30
node response time, setting, 140
non-participating nodes, 118
offsets, 50
online connection
terminating, 160
via modems, 160
operating procedures, 41
basic, 19
overall flow, 9
PC communications, 137
Host Link, 139
Peripheral Bus, 139
settings, 138
PC ID, 38, 125
changing, 128
checking data, 132
clearing multiple PC IDs, 131
creating and editing, 127
displaying edit screen, 126
displaying the edit menu, 129
printing data, 131
reading, 127
reading data from a file, 129
saving data as a file, 129
searching data, 134
sorting data, 133
specifying, 125
specifying multiple nodes, 130
using, 126
writing, 127
PC settings, 25
host link, 27
peripheral bus, 25
precautions, general, xi
printers, 8
setting model, 141
routing table, displaying the menu, 88
routing tables
checking, 91
comparing, 96
creating and editing, 88
deleting from a node, 98
initializing, 93
outline, 86
printing, 99
reading from a file, 94
reading from a node, 95
saving a a file, 93
setting, 87
transferring, 94
writing to nodes, 96