5-6SectionN: Echoback Test
5-6 N: Echoback Test
“N: Echoback test” is used to conduct a communications test (echoback test)
between the Controller Link Support Software and the specified node.
An echoback test is conducted by transmitting the specified bytes of data to the
specified node and comparing the original data with the data returned from the
node (echoback data). If the original data and the returned data are identical, the
test will be successful. If they are different, the test will fail.
Note An echoback test can be conducted for any node that supports FINS com-
1, 2, 3... 1. Select “N: Echoback test” from the Main Menu. The following window will be
displayed to prompt you to specify the target node for an echoback test.
2. Specify the target node and the test conditions to be used. Use the Cursor
Keys to move the cursor to the desired field, then enter a numeric value with
Numeric Keys. (Use Alphanumeric Keys to enter a PC ID.)
Press the Enter Key to register the entered value and move the cursor to the
next field.
Item Meaning
PC ID Enter the PC ID of the node.
Use this field only when a PC ID is to be used. If a PC ID is
used, the network address and node address will be
automatically input (see page 124).
Network address Enter the network address of the node.
The setting range is between 0 and 127.
Network address 0 represents the local network (the
address of the network containing the node to which the
Controller Link Support Software is connected). (see note)
For CS1-series and CV-series PCs with multiple
Communications Units, specify the network address
Node address Enter the node address of the node.
The setting range is between 0 and 62.
Node address 0 represents the local node (the address of
the node to which the Controller Link Support Software is
Test data length Specify the number of bytes of data to be transmitted for the
echoback test.
The setting range is as follows:
Controller Link Support Boards: 1 to 1,998 bytes
Controller Link Units: 1 to 512 bytes
# of tests Specify the number of echoback tests to be repeated.
The setting range is between 1 and 9999. Alternatively, an
asterisk (*) can be specified. If * is specified, an echoback
test will be repeated until the F9 (Cancel) Key is pressed.