
Print Server Parallel Output Pin Assignments
Pin No. Signal Source Description
1 nSTROBE Print Server Indicates when the data on the data
lines is valid.
2-9 DATA 1-8 Print Server Eight lines used for data transfer.
10 nACK Printer Data acknowledge signal.
11 BUSY Printer Indicates the printer is not ready to
receive data.
12 PAPER ERROR Printer Indicates a paper error.
13 SELECT Printer Indicates the printer is online.
14 nAUTOFEED Print Server Used for IEEE-1284 compliance.
15 nFAULT Printer Indicates a printer error condition.
16 nINIT Print Server Instructs the printer to initialize.
17 nSELECT IN Print Server Used for IEEE-1284 compliance.
18-25 GND - Ground