Item Description Emulations Group(s)
Page Width Change to 8" if you are using 9-inch All Rear Feed,
continuous forms. For continuous forms Front Feed
less than 9 inches wide, the page width
must be set using software.
Caution! If the page width is set
narrower than the continuous forms
being used, the printhead will print
directly on the platen: this can
damage the printhead.
Parity Sets the type of parity your system uses. All Serial I/F
Pin 18 Sets the signal on pin 18 of the parallel All Parallel I/F
interface to +5 volts or to open.
Pitch Sets the character width in characters All Font
per inch.
Ppr Out Override Paper Out Override: Senses when less All Set-Up
than 1" (25 mm) of paper remains and
stops printing. Change to Yes to override
the sensor. Caution!! This can cause loss
of data and damage the printhead!
Print DEL Code Change to Yes if you wish to print the DEL ML only Set-Up
code (decimal 27) as a solid box.
Print Mode Sets the typeface used: Utility, NLQ All Font
(Near letter Quality) Courier, NLQ
(Near Letter Quality) Gothic, or
HSD (High Speed Draft).
Print Suppress If you wish to enable the print suppress All Set-Up
command, change the setting to Yes. If
you select Yes, the printer will ignore all
data after it receives the print suppress
Prop. Spacing Change to yes if you wish to engage All Font
proportionally spaced printing.
Protocol Switch to X-ON/X-OFF if that is the All Serial I/F
serial interface protocol you are using.
Rcv. Buffer Sets the size of the receive buffer. All Set-Up