Reports 83
Understanding Reports
Your MFP machine provides a variety of useful reports, which help you
understand your MFP machine’s current settings, programming and
operations. Refer to the reports listing below to determine which reports
you may want to print, then refer to Printing Reports for instructions on
printing a report.
Active Memory Files Report
The active memory files report provides a list of all messages stored in
your MFP machine’s memory, either documents waiting for transmission
or documents, which have been received and not yet printed. Informa-
tion provided on this report includes:
RECEPTION: prints out memory reception information. ENTRIES lists
the number of received messages stored up in your facsimile unit’s
memory. PAGES lists the total number of pages received.
PERSONAL BOX: prints out set up status of your Personal Boxes
(Confidential, Bulletin Polling). MODE describes the Box types.
ENTRIES lists the number of received messages stored up in each
Box. PAGES lists the total number of pages in each Box.
POLLING TX / RX: prints out information on polling reception and
Polling transmission not using a Box. Polling transmissions are
indicated in the mode column along with scanned number of pages
(empty for Feeder Polling Transmission). Polling Reception lists the
date & time of reception, the sender and the transmission mode.
TRANSMISSION: prints out information on Delayed Fax and
Redialing Wait transmissions. (However, Polling reception information
are listed in the above POLLING TX / RX).
Transmission date & time, receivers and transmission modes are
- This report does not print if there is no message stored in memory.