
Programming 71
25 Instant Dial = OFF, 17 Mem./Feeder SW = FEEDER:
Memory Available—Feeder transmission
: starts reading docu-
ment when receiving the CFR signal of the remote machines after
call origination.
Memory Full—Feeder transmission
: starts reading document
when receiving the CFR signal of the remote machines after call
26 RESTRICT ACCESS: Select whether or not you want restricted
access. Turning on this function renders your restricted ID registration
active. Available settings are on and off.
Important! You cannot generate a report listing the Restrict
Access IDs. Be sure to record all Restrict Access
IDs. If you forget a Restrict Access ID, you must
contact an Authorized Service Dealer for assistance.
27 WIDTH REDUCTION: Turning this function on enables you to
print received data at a slightly reduced width.
28 TONER SAVE: This function allows you to select whether to use
toner saving during facsimile printing. The settings are on and off.
29 CNG COUNT: This function allows you to switch to a facsimile
reception mode at a certain CNG signal quantity (1-5) when the unit is
operating in T/F, TAD and as a parallel telephone.