3.4 Erase Bank (Fig. 34): All preset banks, with the exception
of the first bank, can be erased one bank at a time. You cannot
erase the first bank of 20 presets.
Fig. 34
Advanced Settings
The Tuner software contains several specialized settings for
more advanced setup. Clicking on view and selecting
Advanced will expand the tabs as discussed in the next
section to allow access to this functionality.
4.0 Advanced Config (Fig. 35)
The Tuner software allows for more advanced settings that, if
necessary, allow you to tweak the Tuner’s operation. The
process for beginning a new configuration or editing an
existing one does not change from the standard mode.
Fig. 35
4.1 Custom Regional Setup (Fig. 36): Some countries operate
at a tuning standard outside the four preset regions. The
Custom setting allows specific parameters to be set. One
determining factor for tuning is the Pre-emphasis . The two
choices for this are 50S (microseconds) and 75S. The
custom setting also allows for specific setting of the minimum
and maximum tuning capability and the individual tuning
steps for FM and AM.
Fig. 36
4.2 Tuning Parameters (Fig. 37): This section determines how
the NV-T2FAM-EX tunes up and down. Seek/Scan Levels for
each band, FM and AM, set the signal strength parameter for
searching stations. Level 0 (Low), causes the tuner to stop at
any frequency with a very low signal, and Level 4 (High), stops
only when a very strong signal is detected. The factory default
is Level 2 (Medium), which searches for a moderate signal.
This setting changes the necessary signal threshold, which is
the minimum signal level required for the Tuner to recognize it
and lock onto the frequency.