
Fig. 13
Seek Thresholds
AM Threshold
FM Threshold
AM Threshold
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Diagnostics (Fig. 14): Signal strength for AM, FM and
reception and the current firmware version number
are provided in the Diagnostics menu.
Version: This displays the T2FAM-EXs
current firmware version. Upgraded versions
are posted on the NuVo website ProZone and
are loaded onto the Tuner by downloading a
new configuration from the Tuner
Configurator software through the RS232
AM/FM Signal Strength (Fig. 15): This
displays two levels for tuners A and B. RSSI,
received signal strength indicator, is a
measurement in dBuV, and SNR, signal to
noise, is measured in dB.
Reset Memory (Fig. 16): This should be used only
when it is advantageous to remove all settings from
the tuner. Choosing yes to reset memory returns the
T2FAM-EX to its factory default.
Fig. 14
Signal Streng..
Reset Memory
Seek Thresholds (Fig. 13): The recognized
signal level for AM and FM can be set in this
menu. There are three default levels with 1
being the lowest, requiring a stronger signal
to be recognized and 3 being the highest,
requiring a weak to moderate signal to be
recognized. The default is 2, the middle level.
Brightness: Brightness sets the overall level
of the display. There are seven degrees of
brightness to choose from.
Antenna Power: The choices here are
Automatic, Forced ON and Forced OFF.
Automatic is the default and allows the
T2FAM-EX to provide 5 volts to the attached
T2FAA active antenna. This is necessary for
AM reception. In instances where you intend
on using a third party FM antenna, the
Forced OFF choice is necessary to block DC
voltage needed for AM reception. This is a
nice feature that eliminates the need for an
external DC blocker. Forced ON provides
Fig. 15
Fig. 16
AM/FM Strength
RSSI: 60 dBuV
SNR: 31 dB
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