Media applications
The RSS feed reader supports the following file formats:
Rich Site Summary, RDF Site Summary, Really Simple
Syndication (all are also known as RSS), and Atom.
To refresh all feeds or only the selected one, tap , and
select the desired option. When refreshing a feed, the RSS
feed reader updates it to contain all content available on
the server and deletes automatically content no longer
available on the server.
To stop the refreshing, tap . To set the refresh method
of news articles, select > Tools > Refresh feeds.
To change the settings of the RSS feed reader, >
Tools > Settings....
The image viewer supports the following file formats: BMP,
GIF, ICO, PNG, SVG Tiny, TIFF, and WBMP. The image viewer
does not necessarily support all variations of a file format.
To view images stored on your device, compatible mobile
phone, or memory card, tap , and select
My selection > Images.