Your device
Note that the following information, for example, is not
backed up:
• contents of the non-removable internal memory card
on Nokia N810 Internet Tablet
• theme settings, when you restore backups from
previous product versions
• Bluetooth connectivity settings
• browser settings
• installed applications
However, you can make a backup of a list of applications
you have installed on your device. During the restore
process, your device tries to get the actual application files
from the internet and reinstall them.
To restore data, do the following:
1. Tap , and select Settings > Backup/Restore. Select
the desired backup and Restore.
2. In Select data to restore, select data types you want
to restore.
If you have protected the backup with a password,
Password needed is displayed. Enter the password, and
select OK.
Important: To ensure that the e-mail application
works properly, always back up settings and
e-mail messages. Restore the backup when no
settings or e-mail messages are present in the
application, for example, directly after updating
the software on your device.
The help function provides additional information on key
features, applications, and dialogs of the device. To access
help from the task navigator, tap , and select
My selection > Help. To access help from an application,
tap , and select the help command from the menu
(usually under Tools).
To browse help topics, tap the following:
or to see other help topics if you have recently viewed
several help topics
to see a list of recently viewed help topics
to search for the text that you have entered in the
search field.
To access help related to the contents of a dialog (context-
sensitive help), tap the [?] button on the dialog.