Tips on Speedlight Care and Reference Information
Select button ([SEL] button) ....B-6
Selector dial ...........................B-6
Slow sync .............................E-33
Sound monitor .....................D-27
Sound monitor setting .........B-20
Speedlight Stand AS-22 .......D-26
(illumination pattern) ..........E-2
Standard i-TTL ........................C-2
Standby function .................E-30
Standby function setting ......B-21
SU-4 type wireless multiple
fl ash-unit photography
................................D-3, D-18
Test fi ring ............................E-29
Thermal cut-out ...................E-31
TTL remote cord ...................H-14
Underexposure due to
insuffi cient fl ash
output ...........C-5, C-15, D-28
Warning indicator ..................H-3
Water guard ........................H-13
Wireless mode switch for
multiple fl ash units .....D-6, D-8
Wireless multiple
fl ash-unit photography.......D-1
Wireless Slave Flash
Controller SU-4 ................H-13
Zoom button
([ZOOM] button) ................B-6
Zoom head position .............E-25