Taking Close-up Photographs
When the fl ash-to-subject distance is less than approx. 2 m (6.6 ft.),
tilting down the fl ash head is recommended to ensure suffi cient
illumination of the lower part of the subject in close-up photography.
The bounce-down icon appears and the effective flash output •
distance range is underlined with a dotted line when the flash head
is tilted down.
With the built-in wide panel, the flash from the SB-700 is diffused. •
This softens shadows and prevents overexposure.
When using a long lens, be careful that the light from the flash is not •
obstructed by the lens barrel.
Vignetting may occur in close-up flash photography due to the •
illumination pattern, lens in use, focal length setting, etc. Therefore,
make test shots if taking an important picture.
Bounce-down icon
Dotted underline indicates the
fl ash head is tilted down.