Walkie-Talkie Service
Walkie-Talkie Service
Nextel Walkie-Talkie Service is a powerful, long-range, digital walkie-
talkie feature. It lets you instantly contact any Nextel customer in your
local calling area with a simple push of a button. You can communicate
with your coworkers and clients for a fraction of the cost of traditional
cellular calls. With Nextel Walkie-Talkie Service, you can contact an
individual or a group of people designated as a Talkgroup.
Note: For information about Nextel Walkie-Talkie Service coverage areas,
go to nextel.com.
Using the Walkie-Talkie Button
During a Nextel Walkie-Talkie call, press and hold the Walkie-Talkie
button when you want to speak to your contact. The BlackBerry device
emits a high-pitched beep or a “chirp” when you press the Walkie-Talkie
button to indicate that you are the current speaker. Release the Walkie-
Talkie button when you want to listen to your contact. When you release
the Walkie-Talkie button, your contact’s BlackBerry device chirps to
indicate that you have finished speaking.
TIP: To avoid announcements from callers over your speakerphone,
set your speakerphone to OFF. In the phone options, click Push
To Talk. Set the Speakerphone field to Off.
Placing Nextel Walkie-Talkie Service Calls
There are several ways to reach an individual using Nextel Walkie-Talkie
• Enter the contact’s Walkie-Talkie number from the Phone or Home
• Click the contact’s Walkie-Talkie number from your Address Book
• Click the contact’s Walkie-Talkie number from the calls listed in the
Phone screen
Whether you dial the contact’s Walkie-Talkie number directly from the
phone or use a number in your Address Book, you must have the
contact’s Walkie-Talkie number to use Walkie-Talkie Service.