Nextel Phone Services
Call Waiting & Call Hold
You’ll never miss an important call with Call Waiting and Call Hold. Call
Waiting enables you to accept a second call without losing the original
connection. Use Call Hold to alternate between two conversations by
‘swapping’ calls. For more information on these features, refer to the
Help function on the BlackBerry device.
Conference Calling
With Three-Way Conference Calling, you can combine two ongoing
phone calls into one conversation. For more information, refer to the
Help function on the BlackBerry device.
Call Forwarding
The Call Forwarding feature enables you to send unanswered calls to an
alternate phone number. For information on customizing call forwarding,
refer to the Help function on the BlackBerry device.
Nextel 411
Nextel 411 provides friendly services for on-the-go professionals. Simply
dial 411 from your BlackBerry device anywhere within a wireless
coverage area in the continental United States and Hawaii for the
following services:
Nationwide Call Completion
Nextel 411 operators will connect you to any listing in the continental
United States and Hawaii. If requested, the operator will stay on the line
while connecting to the number.
White Page Listings - Request a telephone number for any person,
business, or government agency in the continental United States and
Hawaii. Operators can also provide address information if available.
Yellow Page Listings - Request a telephone number for a business or
have a search performed by category if the specific business name is