
6 NP643IEEE 802.11g PC Card Adapter
YML786 Rev1
WPA WPA stands for Wi-Fi Protected Access - authorizes and
identifies users based on a secret key that changes automatically
at a pre-defined interval. This is called TKIP (Temporal Key
Integrity Protocol) to change the temporal key every 10,000
packets (= unit of data.) Keys can either be pre-shared or
established by a RADIUS Server.
RADIUS RADIUS is part of 802.11i security; this is a wireless standard
which is only concerned with wireless security standards.
Authentication is based around a secure server with a challenge-
and-response method of interaction which verifies the identity
of the client wishing to connect to the network. If you wish to
connect to a RADIUS server ask the Network Administrator for
details. RADIUS servers are not usually used as part of home